Monday, June 11, 2007

Dublin on mini-break, anyone?

Hi everyone,
I'm going to Dublin for the mini-break, and wondered if anyone else might be interested in going along? I'd prefer to travel with someone(s) if possible, rather than on my own.
Look forward to meeting you all,
Kristin Finch


melibrarian said...

Good question. Actually Dublin was our original plan, but Dr. Welsh and I have decided to go to Paris for the mini-break. If anyone would like to go with us, you are more than welcome.

pyratequeene said...

I have made plans with another student to go to Ireland for the break. We were thinking of taking the train to Liverpool, then renting a car once we get over to Ireland. If you would like to team up with us, that would be great!

Edie said...

Hi Kristin,
I would be interested in going to Dublin. I haven't made any definite plans yet. I looked into a Britrail + Ireland pass, but not sure if it would be worth it.
Looking forward to it,

Edie Daniel

Kristin Finch said...

hi edie,
I'm planning on flying from Edinburgh to Dublin. I'll be making flight arrangements in the next few days, so I'll let you know my plans, if you're interested. Booking ahead, you can fly really cheaply.
I've also already booked a room in Dublin. The place is a guesthouse fairly near to the city called Donnybrook Hall. They have their own website, but I booked through, and got a slightly better rate.
Let me know what you think about any/all of this.

Kristin Finch said...

Hi pyratequeene,
Thanks for offering to let me tag along. But I've already got my plans in Dublin pretty well set up. Have fun driving over there! You guys are braver souls than I.
Look foward to meeting you in London.

pyratequeene said...


I've been thinking of getting the Britrail + Ireland pass, too. I think it would be worth it since it includes the ferry ride. Especially if you take into consideration that we really could take a trip to somewhere like Bath or York (and back) on a free afternoon.

melibrarian said...

For those of you making reservations for the mini-term, you are free as of late afternoon on the 25th if you would like to get started early.

melibrarian said...

Dr. Welsh and I got BritRail passes last summer and felt we really got our money's worth by doing this. What you might do is get the 4 day flex pass, meaning you can travel any 4 days in two months. This will give you some leeway on when you travel.

Edie said...

Hello all,
Kristin sounds like you have definite plans. I would like to stay a little more flexible. Maybe we all could meet up in Ireland.
I think the Britrail+Ireland pass would be much more convenient and allow flexibility. I'm considering the 5 day within one month pass. Are you definite on renting a car?

Also, anyone interested in attending the Maryport Blues Festival on July 28th? Van Morrison will be playing that day. The URL address is below.

pyratequeene said...

Hi Edie,

My plans for renting a car aren't set in stone, but I thought it might be more fun. I guess it all comes down to $. If you would like to come with me and another classmate to Dublin, you're more than welcome. I definately want to see the Book of Kells and the Guinness factory! That and I need to see a herd of sheep blocking a road. It sounds crazy, but I want to make sure all of those picturesque calendars aren't completely staged!

melibrarian said...

The Book of Kells is fantastic and should not be missed.